by Peace · Love · Now | Sep 15, 2020 | Movement, Self Care & Self Mastery
Pema Chodron is known for her reflection on the Buddha’s teachings in this area: “The Buddha taught that flexibility and openness bring strength and that running from groundlessness weakens us and brings pain. But do we understand that becoming familiar...
by Peace · Love · Now | Jul 31, 2020 | Meditation, Movement
What are mudras? Chances are, if you’ve ever taken a yoga class taught with a meditation element, or taken a class specifically to learn meditation, you’ve heard of and worked with mudras. Mudras are powerful tools to accompany a journey of self-growth and...
by Peace · Love · Now | Jun 24, 2020 | Movement
Eka Pada Pranamasana / Vriksasana one-legged prayer pose / tree pose This is one of my favourite balancing poses! I love the way you open through the heart region and hips, while rooting down strong into the ground and releasing into a state of peaceful...